Meet new board member Zuzana Ikels: Grants and Development

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am litigation partner at the international law firm of King & Spalding. I have two daughters that I cherish and hope will discover the paths earlier than I did. I live in Albany.


How did you become interested in Berkeley's paths?

I have always known about the paths, but I only “discovered” them because of the pandemic. I walk them most mornings, became fascinated with learning about their origin, the Maybecks, and the Hillside Club. There is something magical that happens to our thoughts, ideas and creativity when we cross *paths* with the land, animals and other humans.


What do you hope to achieve as a BPWA board member?

I am excited about getting involved in the BPWA and serving as a board member. I am hoping that I can give back, share with and encourage others, and, most importantly, weed and work on the paths so that everyone else can enjoy them!