Every Path in Berkeley: Our 25th anniversary celebration walk series

Explore every built-out path in Berkeley! As part of Berkeley Path Wanderers Association's celebration of its 25th anniversary, we will reprise the series of six walks created in 2014 by Jacob Lehmann Duke and Aviva Gerwein and featured in their guidebook, Step It Up (See "Every Path in Berkeley"). And like we did back then, at the end of the series in August, we'll throw a party to celebrate the achievement and and quarter-century of paths-love! 
We will give a newsletter shout-out to all path lovers who complete the entire series of 6 walks, and they'll receive a very cool “I WALKED EVERY PATH IN BERKELEY” button to wear with pride.

Note: If you're unable to attend a group walk, you can do the walks on your own by following the route on our cue sheets. Please take a few photos along the way and report to info@berkeleypaths.org to receive your button.
The six walks and their routes are:

  • Walk 1: Sunday, March 5, led by John Ford (rain date March 11); magenta route

  • Walk 2: Saturday, April 1, led by (none other than!) Jacob Lehmann Duke; blue route

  • Walk 3: Saturday, May 6, led by Alina Constantinescu; green route

  • Walk 4: Sunday, June 4, led by Signe Burns and Sydney Dowdy; black route

  • Walk 5: Sunday, July 9, led by John Ford; hot-pink route

  • Walk 6: Sunday, August 6, led by Janet Byron; orange route

The Grand Finale Walk 6 on August 6 will be our annual Path-a-thon, with three walks to choose from, followed by a 25th anniversary celebration at Live Oak Park.

We hope to see you there!